Love Spell Jar
This Love Spell Jar is perfect for anyone looking to deepen a current relationship or attract new love into their life. Filled with dried roses, rosemary, jasmine, lavender, and hibiscus, this jar is bursting with spiritual energy to help manifest love. The jar is sealed with red candel wax to bring the magical properties of the color red into your love spell. Red is known to bring passion, courage, and energy to a relationship.
Rosehip oil, Hibiscus (passion and romance), Jasmine (love and prosperity), Lavender (harmony and love), Rose Petals (healing and protection), Rosemary ()
Do not open your spell jar. Cleanse the spell jar with either smoke from herbs, water, or imagination of cleaning it. Hold your spell jar when ready to use it by placing it in your palm. Remember the purpose of choosing this specific spell jar and what you want to accomplish and focus your mind. Set the intention of the use of the spell jar by putting your energy into it in meditation, magick work, etc, whatever you are comfortable with.
After your spell jar has fulfilled your intention or may no longer serve you. Hold it in your hand and give thanks and release the content in the jar back to the earth. (If it has non-biodegradable items, please throw them away.)Storage
Storage of your spell jar depends on you, but we recommend someplace out of site from other energies. You may bury it, place it in a closet, under the pillow, alter, or a daily bag to take with you daily.